Purchase a perpetual license for $299 – You will be redirected to our fulfillment service, FastSpring
Purchase a fully-functional 2-week demo license for $2.99 – You will be redirected to our fulfillment service, FastSpring
NOTE – Only one demo license per customer per sample set – attempts to redeem a second demo code will fail.
Price: | $299.00 |
First United Methodist Church | San Diego, CA
The church’s first pipe organ was a two-manual Hook and Hastings instrument dedicated on February 26, 1888, in the new Methodist Block three-story brick building located at the corner of 4th and Broadway in downtown San Diego.
When First Church moved in 1907 to a new building designed by Irving Gill and located at 9th and C streets, the Hook and Hastings instrument was enlarged by Murray Harris and installed in the 1500-seat auditorium.
In 1929, First Church dedicated a new 27-rank, three-manual Pilcher organ which included 1,877 pipes with harp and chimes. When the church moved to Mission Valley in 1964, the Pilcher organ was placed in storage.
In 1967, Dowling and Blackinton Organ Builders designed and installed a 12-rank, 855-pipe, instrument in the chancel. Four years later the former downtown organ was removed from storage, refurbished and enlarged by L. W. Blackinton and Associates to 41 ranks, with 2,450 pipes, chimes and harp, and placed in the rear gallery of the church sanctuary.
Throughout the decade from 1975 to 1985, then-organist/composer in residence Daniel Burton led a movement to provide the church with an instrument worthy of the architecture of the sanctuary and in keeping with the church’s history of supporting great music. In 1985 a committee headed by Jerry Ryan began to implement this vision, and in 1986 a contract was signed with L. W. Blackinton & Associates to redesign and expand the instrument, provide slider chests throughout, a four-manual console and 54 new ranks. The completed instrument was dedicated on January 22, 1989, with a total of 107 ranks and 6,042 pipes.
In 2010 an 8' Festival Trumpet was added, bringing the organ to 108 ranks and 6092 pipes in nine divisions. The specification includes three 32’ ranks, of which the Principal and the Bombarde are full length. The organ stands as San Diego County’s largest.
In 2021 the Chancel Positiv was reconfigured with new chests and with a new expression enclosure and shutters. A new 8’ Geigen Principal and 4’ Geigen Octave were also added to provide additional expressive resources for choral accompaniment, bringing the organ to 110 ranks.
The samples are offered in 48kHz/24bit resolution, and feature up to 3 loops per sample, tremulants are sampled. The multiple releases have three levels: short, mid and long. The sample set is encrypted via the iLok system used in Hauptwerk, and requires HW version 7 or higher. There are controls to detune the flues, reeds and upperwork on the control page.
The sample set is offered in the Stereo variant (2 channels). A bit of an explanation about this decision: The church is located right next to a busy highway, and even late at night it's quite a noisy environment. We did record more remote channels, but when we did the noise reduction , we found that despite careful work, it did too much damage to the quality of the sounds. As a result, we decided to only use the more direct perspective, and lowered the price from $449 to $299.
Reverb time
The reverb time is ca. 2.5~3 seconds.
Keyboards, pedalboard
The original compass of the keyboards is 61 keys, the original compass of the pedal division is 32 notes.
RAM consumption
- 16-bit, other settings default: 9 GB
- 24-bit, other settings default: 14 GB
Interface Screenshots
San Diego, California First United Methodist Church L. W. Blackinton & Associates, 1987-1989 4 Manuals, 9 divisions, 110 Ranks, 6325 pipes GREAT Gallery 16' Gamba 61 pipes 8' Principal 61 " 8' Rohr Flute 61 " 4' Octave 61 " 2' Fifteenth 61 " V Cornet 305 " IV Mixture 244 " IV-VII Scharff 370 " 16' Bombarde 61 " 8' Trompette 61 " 4' Clarion 61 " 8' Herald Trumpet 61 " Chimes 20 Cymbelstern 8 GREAT Chancel 8' Principal 61 pipes 8' Bourdon 61 " 8' Dolce 61 " 4' Octave 61 " 2' Fifteenth 61 " IV Mixture 244 " Tower Bells 15 POSITIF Gallery 8' Quint Flute 61 pipes 8' Dulciana 61 " 4' Spindle Flute 61 " 2' Principal 61 " 11/3' Quinte 61 " 1' Octave 61 " III Cymbel 183 " 8' Rohr Schalmei 61 " POSITIF Chancel 8' Geigen Principal61 pipes 8' Gedeckt 61 " 4' Geigen Otave 61 " 4' Spire Flute 61 " 2' Principal 61 " III Zimbel 61 " 8' Cromorne 61 " SWELL Gallery (expressive) 16' Lieblich Gedeckt 61 pipes 8' Geigen Principal 61 " 8' Salicional 61 " 8' Voix Celeste 49 " 8' Gedeckt 61 " 4' Spitz Principal 61 " 4' Harmonic Flute 61 " 22/3' Nazard 61 " 2' Flute 61 " III Mixture 183 " 16' Bassoon 61 " 8' Trompette 61 " 8' Oboe 12 " 4' Clarion 61 " Tremulant Swell to Swell 16 – U/O – 4 SWELL Chancel (expressive) 16' Gedeckt 12 pipes 8' Gemshorn 61 " 8' Gemshorn Celeste 49 " 4' Wood Flute 61 " 22/3' Nazard 61 " 2' Flute 61 " IV Fourniture 244 " 16' Bassoon 61 " 8' Trumpet 61 " 8' Fagotto 12 " 4' Clarion 12 " Tremulant Cymbelstern CHOIR Gallery (expressive) 8' Concert Flute 61 pipes 8' Flute Celeste 61 " 8' Erzaehler 61 " 8' Erzaehler Celeste 49 " 8' Aeoline 61 " 4' Flute d'Amour 61 " 22/3' Nasard 61 " 2' Flute 61 " 1 3/5' Tierce 61 " 8' Clarinet 61 " 8' Vox Humana 61 " 4' Celesta 49 bars 8' Herald Trumpet Gt 8' Festival Trumpet 61 pipes (Added in 2010) Tremulant Choir to Choir 16 – U/O – 4 PEDAL Gallery 32' Contra Principal 32 pipes 32' Grand Bourdon 32 " 16' Principal 32 " 16' Bourdon 12 " 16' Violone 32 " 16' Gamba Gt 16' Lieblich Gedeckt Sw 8' Octave 32 " 8' Bourdon 12 " 8' Gedeckt Sw 51/3' Quint Bass 32 " 4' Choralbass 32 " 4' Flute Sw 22/3' Nazard 32 " 2' Twenty Second 32 " IV Mixture 128 " 32' Contra Posaune 32 " 16' Posaune 12 " 16' Basson Sw 8' Trumpet 32 " 4' Clarion 12 " PEDAL Chancel 16' Principal 32 " 16' Bourdon 32 " 16' Gedeckt Sw 102/3' Quint Sw 8' Octave 32 " 8' Gedeckt 12 " 4' Choral Bass 32 " 2' Twenty Second 12 " 16' Fagotto Sw 8' Fagotto Sw 4' Fagotto Sw INTERDIVISIONAL COUPLERS- Great to Pedal Swell to Pedal Choir to Pedal Positif to Pedal Swell to Great 16' Swell to Great 8' Swell to Great 4' Choir to Great 16' Choir to Great 8' Choir to Great 4' Positif to Great 8' Choir to Swell 16' Choir to Swell 8' Choir to Swell 4' Choir to Positif 8' Swell to Positif 8' Great to Positif 8' INDICATOR LIGHTS- Crescendo Bar Graph Tuttis I, II, and III Gallery Organ Power Chancel Organ Power Usher Signal Memory Level Microphone Selector Console: Solid Teak, Ebony Drawknobs Four 61 note manuals, from top: Choir, Swell, Great, Positif 32-note concave, radiating pedal board Expression pedals, left to right: Gallery Choir, Gallery Swell, Chancel Swell ACCESSORIES: Crescendo Pedal, standard and three programmable sequences Reed Silencer: Drawknob and toe stud reversible, programmable Great to Pedal reversible, toe stud Gallery Cymbelstern toe stud reversible Chancel Cymbelstern toe stud reversible All Shades to Gallery Swell: Drawknob Pulpit, Lectern, Roving, and Auxilliary microphone selectors and cancel Adjustable Bench Chancel Blowers and Console Power, Gallery Blower, Tower Bells Compressor Music rack and Pedal board lights, automatic with console power COMBINATION ACTION: Eight memory levels Ten General Pistons with Toe Stud duplicates Ten Divisional Pistons for each manual division plus Cancels Ten Pedal Toe Studs Tuttis I, II, and III programmable Thumb Pistons and Toe Studs General Cancel
NOTE - all updates are cumulative, so simply apply the latest available update to receive all fixes
Purchase a perpetual license for $299 - You will be redirected to our fulfillment service, FastSpring
Purchase a fully-functional 2-week demo license for $2.99 - You will be redirected to our fulfillment service, FastSpring
NOTE - Only one demo license per customer per sample set - attempts to redeem a second demo code will fail.