1996 Petty-Madden III/37 Op. 42

Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church Chapel, Bryn Mawr, PA


The samples are offered in 48kHz/24bit resolution, and feature up to 3 loops per sample, tremulants are sampled. The multiple releases have three levels: short, mid and long. The sample set is encrypted via the iLok system used in Hauptwerk, and requires HW version 5 or higher.

The sample set is offered in the Stereo variant (2 channels).

Reverb time

The reverb time is ca. .5~1 second

Keyboards, pedalboard

The original compass of the keyboards is 61 keys, the original compass of the pedal division is 32 notes. Some ranks have 73 notes.


RAM consumption

  • 16-bit,compressed, single loops: * ~ GB
  • 20-bit, compressed, single loops:  * ~ GB
  • 24-bit, compressed, single loops:  * ~ GB

Interface Screenshots

Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church - Pew Memorial Chapel

Petty-Madden, Inc.   Opus 42   1996             3 manuals, 44 stops, 37 ranks

         GREAT ORGAN (Manual I)                 SWELL ORGAN (Manual II)
     16' Bourdon               73            8' Salicional            61
      8' Diapason              61 a          8' Voix céleste          61
      8' Gamba                 61            8' Stopped Diapason      61
      8' Harmonic Flute        61            4' Octave                61
      8' Bourdon (ext)         --            4' Spindle Flute         61
      4' Octave                61 a          2' Flageolet             61
      2' Fifteenth             61 a          2' Mixture V            305 a
  1 1/3' Mixture IV           244 a      2 2/3' Sesquialtera II      122
      8' Tuba                  SO           16' Basson                73 a
         Tremulant                           8' Trompette             61 a
         Chimes                EC            8' Basson-Hautbois (ext) -- a
         Great to Great 16'                     Tremulant
         Great Unison Off                       Swell to Swell 16'
         Great to Great 4'                      Swell Unison Off
                                                Swell to Swell 4'
         SOLO ORGAN (Manual III)
      8' Cello                 61               PEDAL ORGAN
      8' Cello Celeste         61           32' Resultant             12 b
      8' Chimney Flute         61           16' Open Wood             32
      4' Spire Flute           61           16' Violone               32
  2 2/3' Nazard                61           16' Subbass               44
      8' Tuba                  61 a         16' Bourdon               GT
      8' Oboe                  61            8' Octave                44
      8' Clarinet              61            8' Bass Flute (Subbass)  --
         Tremulant                           8' Bourdon               GT
         Solo 16'                            4' Super Octave (Octave) --
         Solo Unison Off                    16' Trombone              44
         Solo 4'                            16' Basson                SW
                                             8' Tromba (ext)          --
         ECHO ORGAN (Manual III)             4' Hautbois              SW
      8' Viol                  61               Chimes                EC
      8' Viol Celeste          61               Pedal Divide
      8' Traverse Flute        61
      8' Vox Humana            61               COMBINATIONS (16 levels)
         Tremulant                              Great     6      (thumb)
         Chimes                25 tubes         Swell     6      (thumb)
         Echo to Echo 16'                       Solo      4      (thumb)
         Echo Unison Off                        Echo      4      (thumb)
         Echo to Echo 4'                        Pedal     6      (thumb & toe)
                                                Pedal     6      (thumb & toe)
      a  new pipes                              General Cancel   (thumb)
      b  from Subbassand old Echo               Set              (thumb)
           Bourdon (1-12 at 10 2/3')
         COUPLERS                               Swell to Great   (thumb)
         Great to Pedal 8, 4                    Solo to Great    (thumb)
         Swell to Pedal 8, 4                    Echo to Great    (thumb)
         Solo to Pedal 8, 4                     Great to Pedal   (thumb & toe)
         Echo to Pedal 8, 4                     Swell to Pedal   (thumb & toe)
         Swell to Great 16, 8, 4                Solo to Pedal    (thumb & toe)
         Solo to Great 16, 8, 4                 Echo to Pedal    (thumb & toe)
         Echo to Great 16, 8, 4                 Tutti I          (thumb & toe)
         Solo to Swell 16, 8, 4                 Tutti II         (thumb & toe)
         Echo to Swell 16, 8, 4                 Sostenuto - GT   (thumb)
                                                Sostenuto - SW   (thumb)
         EXPRESSION                             Sostenuto - SO   (thumb)
         Balanced Pedal - Swell                 Sostenuto - EC   (thumb)
         Balanced Pedal - Solo
         Balanced Pedal - Echo
         Balanced Pedal - Crescendo

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