3m Stoplist Hauptwerk Version 1.2x

Montre 16
Principal 8
Octave 4
Waldflöte 2
Mixture IV
Flute Harmonique
Bourdon 8
Flute 4
Cornet V
Larigot 1 1/3
Contre Trompette 16
Trompete en chamade 8
Trumpet 8
Clarion 4
Rohrflute 16 (ext of 8)
Gambe 8
Voix Celeste 8
Rohrflute 8
Hautbois 8
Octave 4
Principal 2
Nazard 2 2/3
Tierce 1 3/5
Mixture III
Contre Trompette 16
Trompete 8
Rohr Schalmei 4
Erzaehler 8
Unda Maris 8
Flute 4
Nazard 2 2/3
Basson 16
Clarinet 8
Trompete en chamade 8 (GT)
Contre Bourdon 32
Principal 16
Bourdon 16
Rohrflute 16 (SW)
Octave 8
Nachthorn 8
Nachthorn 4
Choralbass 4
Mixture IV
Contre Fagotto 32
Fagotto 16 (ext Pd trompete 8)
Trompete 8
Clarion 4 (GT)
GT to GT 16, 4 Unison off
SW to SW 16, 4 Unison off
CH to CH 16, 4 Unison off
SW to GT 16, 8, 4
SW to CH 16, 8, 4
CH to GT 16, 8, 4
GT to PD 8, 4
SW to PD 8, 4